On Self Love


9:00 p.m

What do you think it means to love yourself?

How hard do you think it is to do?

I think self love is extremely important but it is also an extremely hard thing to do, especially depending on how those around you affect your way of thinking. Everything that you have ever told yourself you take to heart. It doesn’t matter how, or when, or why, but it’s the truth. We are our best listeners and we listen to everything, and that is why you have to be careful about what it is you are saying.

I used to believe I was an idiot for no reason other than because that’s what I told myself. And especially in those vulnerable, broken down moments when we feel like we are nothing and therefore deserve nothing, I don’t like how I have made things worse in the past by not being there for myself. You are allowed to think you are beautiful. Better yet, you are allowed to be beautiful. You are allowed to love your laugh and like your smile. You are allowed to believe that you are a kind, loving, fun, intelligent, wise, and wonderful person. You are allowed to be kind to yourself. You are allowed to love yourself.

Or better yet, you actually could.

“Interviews With My Late Night Self”



On “Like”


11:25 p.m

Will you let yourself like this guy?

No. Because you can’t like a person until you know them. Until you can laugh over what is seemingly nothing. Until you know at least one thing that not many others do. Until you have had at least one late night conversation that none of you will ever mention again but both think of all the time. Until you’ve gone so deep you’re scared you will never be the same again, but you always are, if not better. You can’t like someone who is just a face and a name that you pass by in the hall or steal glances at at lunch. It doesn’t work like that.

But maybe I have all of this confused with love.

“Interviews With My Late Night Self”


So school started two weeks ago, and the fact that grade eleven is hard is the only thing I have learned so far other than how horrible of a movie Catherine the Great is.

 Interviews With My Late Night Self is something I started doing for myself a long time ago, and is something I have been wanting to make a weekly thing since this blog started.  I know maybe 6/10 of you are thinking, “Well great job at that because I didn’t even know this was a thing until now, even though looking back I see you have also posted two more, but still.” I know my concept of time is annoying, but I am fixing that.

I am hoping to make this a regular Friday thing. The only helpful thing I have gotten from this school year so far is that now I am back in a schedule that likes to keep its persistence, even in my personal life. So really, how hard could this be?

Don’t answer that.

Anyway, I thought this little Interview I did sometime in May 2015 would be fitting today, because my sister just recently got asked out for the first time and she said yes and it’s adorable.  I get it that she is 14 and maybe that is too old for it to be adorable, but I don’t care. It is. Get over it.